The Playwright Julia Jarcho, 2009
American Treasure
credit the set to Jason Simms.
The Portraits of Peter Sumner Walton Bellamy______ peter@peterbellamy.com_______ pswb©2024 ____written permission required for reproduction.____peterbellamyphoto.com
Works Directed with Elevator Repair Service:
Mr. Antipryrine, Fire Extinguisher
Marx Brothers on Horseback Salad
Spine Check
Language Instruction: Love Family vs. Andy Kaufman
McGurk: A Cautionary Tale
Shut-Up I Tell You (I said, Shut-Up I Tell You)
Cab Legs
Total FIctional Lie
Highway To Tomorrow
Room Tone
No Great Society
The Sound and the Fury (April 7th, 1928)
The Select (The Sun Also Rises)