
Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Artist Terry Winter, 1986

The Artist Terry Winter, 1986
©Peter Bellamy 2010

Terry Winters photographed in his studio on White Street - he retained a kind of elegance that was unsurpassed.  His palette for grinding and pounding tempera reminded me of altars described in the Old Testament.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Artist Brice Marden, 1984

Portrait of the Artist Brice Marden 1984©peter bellamy2010

Here is Brice Marden in the 80s at his fighting weight as fame was beginning to gather momentum; his studio was above the Cocteau Theater on the corner of Bond and Bowery.
I walked into his studio and he was standing there in the light like a bobcat caught in his lair ready to strike.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cindy Sherman, 1983

The Photographer Cindy Sherman, 1983
copyright Peter Bellamy 2010

I wanted to create an idea that it was just Cindy Sherman. The time before some reach the pinnacle of fame is the best, for they do not yet have their guard up.

There is a kind of sadness and loneliness to Cindy's work, a kind of isolation.  Her muse is really herself.  It is like a search for something she will never find.

She was simply wonderful and warm and the one time I met her later in Buffalo at Charlie Clough's show at the Knox Museum, she kissed me on the cheek.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Louise Bourgeois May 31. 2010 ...last dance

click to enlarge
Louise Bourgeois Dec. 25. 1911-May 31, 2010 L
ast Dance
Copyright Peter Bellamy 2010

Louise Bourgeois seen here dancing through her lair on her way to the life beyond,
passing though the webs of light, disappearing into the air. Only her art remains now, her spiders, and she-wolfs, their lairs and rooms, figures and sculpture and

Her shadow, for ever watching, seeing all.